Mable Morgan

Mable's parents Samuel & Elizabeth Gerrard immigrated from England. The Gerrard family settled in Taylorsville.

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Mable married Iris Morgan, a boy from Salt Lake. They rased their family in their Granger Home at 2415 W 3500 S

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She was an active member of the community. She was inviting to all the neighbors.  A former neighbor remembers all the wonderful adventures that could be found at the Morgan home. R.Kennard remembers spending countless hours playing in the Morgan yard. He said " There was a loose brick back in the corner of the porch near the front door that we used for the hiding place for the bank robbery loot when we were playing Lone Ranger or cops & robbers. " Others remember the cookies and milk served or the meals brought to them by Mable. She was kind and compassionate.

Mable's husband Iris served as LDS Stake President and she supported him as he served the community.  Mable was a beautiful woman and she made everything around her beautiful.

Mable passed away in 1979

This is a picture from the SL Tribune showing Marlow putting a corsage on his dear mother, Mable.


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