Robert Hale

People You Know: dated 1958 Robert Hale
Hillsdale Nursery Aspen Apartments

This has been the busiest year of my life says a tall, energetic young man who is in the throes of opening a new business in Granger.
He is Robert L (Bob) Hale, the son of the late Lloyd Hale and Malinda Christensen of Granger.
Bob was born in Ogden, Utah but has spent almost his entire life in Granger. He graduated from Cyprus High School in 1945 and then enlisted in the Army Air Force. Bob spent 2 years in the service, returned home to his family but not for long. He was soon called to fill and LDS mission to Argentina.
It was a most interesting and happy 2 ½ years he remembers. Returning home in the fall of 1950 he enrolled at the University of Utah.
Another interesting and happy phase of his lift-story occurred in 1951. He took as his bride Ruth Elaine Harker of Taylorsville. She is the daughter of Mr & Mrs Cliff Harker. They were married in the Salt Lake Temple.
Bob continued with his schooling, obtained a part-time job with ZCMI wholesale Drug and as a sideline did part-time gardening.
He and his wife planned and built a beautiful home in the Hillsdale sub-division and lived there about 1 ½ yrs.
We loved that home and did much of the work ourselves he commented. But I had a greater love, a lifetime boyhood dream of owning my own business.
So, due to Bob’s great desire and love of landscaping and gardening, they moved to their present location 3100 W 3500 S. here there was room to expand and to realize his dream of opening a nursery and landscaping business.
We opened our Hillsdale Gardens in April of 1958 reported Bob.
Co-workers and owners in the business are his brother-in-law, Brent Harker and a close friend, Donald Larson, both are of Taylorsville. These 3 often talked as young boys do, of going into business together. Now that boyhood dream has been realized.
It seems Ruth Elaine gets the brunt of the work in the nursery, while Bob pursues his first love, landscaping and gardening. He has a complete landscaping service with tractor, trucks and service equipment.
He has even planted orchards, pointed out Mrs Hale. Bob and Ruth Elaine are happy in their work, busy with it’s many problems and duties and happy to be living in one of Utah’s fastest growing areas….Granger.
Among their prize possessions are their 3 small children, Cynthia 6yrs, Bruce 3yrs and a wee girl Stacy 1 ½.
Yes sir, this has been the busiest year of my life, but I love it! Bob concluded - Murray Eagle Newspaper-
