Thayne.... (No last name needed, we all knew him by Thayne)

No last name needed, we all knew him by Thayne.

Civic minded, Mr Acord was charter president of the Granger Lions Club, and served on the Granite School Board for 5 years. In 1957, he was board president. Thayne is also a past PTA president at Monroe, a member of the Valley State Bank board of directors and has served on the County recreation board. As a hobby he raises and trades horse. Thayne also uses the animals on his various fishing and hunting trips. Thayne’s wife Loraine was born in Minneapolis, Minn. Where she attended St Paul elementary and graduated from Harding High School. She operates Cherill’s Apparel in the Redwood shopping area.
A Granger businessman for the past 17 years, Thayne Acord has watched and helped the community grow.
The first property he purchased was the Redwood Café Drive Inn on the corner of Redwood Road and 3500 So which now boasts 6 businesses, a service station and a café.
He and Doran Barton founded North Jordan Builders Supply 12 years ago. Mr Acord has been sole owner for the past 7 years.
6 /2 years ago Thayne built a home at 4212 West 4100 South and moved his family to Granger from Salt Lake City.
He has built 35 homes including 18 in West Gate Subdivision, 4100 South 4275 West, owns and apartment house in Granger, a dairy and farm in Boise Valley Idaho and a farm in Heber City, Utah.
Thayne was born in Spring City, Utah, attended the elementary school there and graduated from Sanpete High School.
Civic minded, Mr Acord was charter president of the Granger Lions Club, and served on the Granite School Board for 5 years. In 1957, he was board president. Thayne is also a past PTA president at Monroe, a member of the Valley State Bank board of directors and has served on the County recreation board. As a hobby he raises and trades horse. Thayne also uses the animals on his various fishing and hunting trips. Thayne’s wife Loraine was born in Minneapolis, Minn. Where she attended St paul elementary and graduated from Harding High School. She operates Cherill’s Apparel in the Redwood shopping area.
Past president of the Granger Lady Lions Club, Loraine also has been president of Monroe PTA. For relaxation she golfs and bowls.
They have 4 children, Cherill 16 yrs. a sophomore at Cyprus High, enjoys riding horses, Bill 15 yrs. will graduate from Valley Jr high this spring. He likes to help in the store and belongs to the Bow and Arrow Club. Bill enjoys to hunt and fish with his father. Dean 11yrs also helps at the store and is taking piano lessons. A boy scout, he fishes and hunts and is in the 6th grade at Monroe. Judith is in the 3rd grade at Monroe. - Murray Eagle Newspaper-
