
People You Know dated 1958 Joseph Shafer
Joseph Organized “Pony League” for Youths

Born and raised in Granger, Joseph Richard Schafer, 1734 W 3500 S is a sports enthusiast, a civic leader and a family man
Being a father of 6 children is a big job, but Joe finds time to operate his clothing a variety store and give his time to various sports and civic groups in the community.
A son of Mr & Mrs Clifford A Shafer, Joe attended Granite High School and later became a painter at the Utah Copper Company for 10 years. Desiring a more active life, Joe joined the Salt Lake County Sherriff’s office and was employed on the force for 7yrs. In 1938 he married Norma Petersen, a daughter of Mr & Mrs Leroy M Petersen 4100S 4800 W. Norma has lived in Granger all her life also, and is a graduate of Cyrpus High School. They are the proud parents of 2 sons and 4 daughters.
Richard lee 20 is in his 2nd year at the University of Utah and plans to be married in June.
Linda who is 17 will enter the new Granger High School in the fall for her 2nd year of High School work.
Diane 15, graduated from Valley Junior High School just last Friday evening and will also attend Granger High in the fall.
Another daughter, Fern, 10, attends Plymouth School in Taylorsville.
The 2 youngest, Norman Joe 4yrs old and Mary just 7 months keep mother busy.
Joe is extremely interested in sports and has been the organizer of the Poly League, a baseball league for young boys that come from the Little League. The youths range in age from 12-15yrs old.
He organized the league in 1955 and has been president for the past 3yrs. He also coached in the M men Basketball team for the Granger 3rd ward last year. Under the name of his store, Joe’s Sporting and Clothing, he sponsored a Pony League team last year.
Joe states jokingly “ I’ve been president, umpire, statistics keeper, park superintendent etc.”. He has some excellent helpers this year to take a few of these jobs off his shoulders.
During 1956-1957 Mr. Shafer was president of the Granger Lions and also is chairman of the Granger Community park. As “His Boys” grow too old for the Pony League in Granger, Joe sees to it that they are entered into the Salt Lake Amateur League.
Active in the LDS church, Mrs. Shafer has been on the Primary Stake Board as a lark leader, and during 1956-1957 was President of the Lady Lions in Granger. Helping her husband in the store and raising 6 children, she is indeed a busy woman.
She recalls when the store was just a small restaurant, but has helped with the additions, until now the business has enlarged into a complete variety store.
While interviewing the family, I first stopped into the store and spoke to one of the girls that work for Mr. Shafer, and she stated that , Each and every one of the Shafer family is a job to know. A fine tribute to a fine family!