Bob Hayward is our Hero

Aug. 16, 1975 at 3 in the morning

I nominated Bob Hayward for an award from West Valley City. I also got a few minutes to tell him Thank you on behalf of the residents (especially the teenage girls) of Granger 1975. Here is the Council Meeting that he was given the award at. 

It begins about 3 minutes into the meeting:

Here is what I prepared and read to the city and to Bob

On behalf of the so many girls that were growing up in Granger Utah in 1975. I would like to Thank you- Bob Hayward for saving so many our lives.
Many girls have written on our Granger Utah Facebook page memories about their experience in August 1975 with a man in a Volkswagon following them home from work, from Church, From friends’ houses etc.
But most of the girls didn’t even know that in August 1975 Ted Bundy was driving right in front of their homes, schools. ..Stocking …Planning…
Ted Bundy had already killed at least 25 girls by the time he began to stock our Granger Utah Girls. Yet he had never been arrested or even questioned but thanks to you and your dedication…because of you cared about others enough to watching the neighborhood and knowwho belonged and who didn’t you….were the one!
You were the one to see his “out of place Volkswagon” in our community  in the wee hours of the morning
You were the one to follow him on a chase and
You were the 1st to ever arrest him
Even though he had a “believable lie” of the reason he was in our community…
It all boils down to the fact that…
You cared about your community
You knew your neighbors..  
You knew their vehicles
Because you were aware of events (even the movies) playing in the community
Because of your dedication  to “US”
YOU were the one
I thank you for loving your community and caring about others .
I thank you for sitting in your car after work to and watch for unusual behavior , watch for cars that don’t belong in the neighborhood.
Bob Hayward you were the Essential Person.  The Essential Piece to stopping this mad man.
You saved so many lives …..because you cared and you were aware of the community.
On behalf of the girls of our Community from 1975 …….I Thank you!
Granger girls you were being stocked Aug 15th - 16th,1975. But thanks to our neighbor, friend and Highway Patrol Officer Bob Hayward (lived in Granger over 35 yrs) we didn't become Bundy's 26th victim. A real Hero.......Officer Bob Hayward
In the wee hours of August 16,1975 Bob chased Ted Bundy thru the Hillsdale Subdivision at high rates of speed. Ted Bundy finally pulled over at the Service Station( South East Corner of 3500 south 2700 west).  
Ted had an excuse for running from him but Bob felt uneasy. He felt he needed to search the VW Bug and found many suspicious instruments that could have been used for burglary.
Without any solid reason to arrest Ted Bundy except intuition he took Ted to the SL Courthouse and had him booked, fingerprinted  and jailed overnight.  Officer Bob Hayward asked the jailers to DOUBLE fingerprint Ted so that no mistakes or fingerprint smears would allow them to get a good fingerprint.

Of course Ted was soon released but because of Bob Haywards intuition Ted Bundy was soon linked to murders throughout the country.
I nominate Bob Hayward for a West Valley Citizens Award because I feel he saved possibly hundreds of lives by being the 1st officer to arrest Ted Budy. . His actions made it possible for other states to link murders to him and further stop deaths of young girls in the 70’s.
Thank you!  I love you!   Signed, Sheri Kimball Biesinger

Here is a video that Chris Mortensen did with Bob

Bob was a state trooper for 33 years, he retired as a captain in 1986.


Bob is holding the plaque the city gave him. His sweetheart Marian is holding a plaque that James D McCleave presented to him. 


Ted Bundy had been seen flirting with 2 girls at Woody's and Pizza Hut just a few hours before he was caught. It looks like he was in front of the Pizza Hut employee's house when he was caught.

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