Max Bangerter

I adore the Bangerter TV Sign and it is exciting to learn more of the man behind the business.

Max Bangerter: Know your Neighbor Murray Eagle November 1958

An exciting hobby coupled with an interesting business career are among the highlights of the life of Max Bangerter, a young Grangerite who is active in his community.

Max was raised in this vicinity and is the son of Mr & Mrs Albert Bangerter who still reside in Granger and are well known in the community.

A gradate of Cyprus Highschool, Max was interested in electronics. While in the Army he received hos electrical training while with the Armed Forces Radio Service in Hollywood.

After his release from the service, Max went to work in the engineering department of KSL and has held his fob for over 10 years.

“I’m really interested in going into the manufacturing end of this electronics business”, he comments. “I hope to do that sometime in the future”.

About 3 yrs. ago Mr Bangerter opened a shop for servicing Televion sets in the area. Named Bangerter TV, the shop now boasts three fulltime employees with Max ‘helping out” evenings and weekends. They also handle some communication and engineering and installations for business concerns.

Max was married in 1949 to Thema Roper, a daughter of John M & Mignonne Roper, long-time residents of Granger. She attended Granite High and LDS Business College. Upon graduation from business college, Thelma was a dental assistant. “I sometimes wish I were still doing that job, because it was so interesting!”, she claimed.

Thelma was married to Vyrl Bangerter in 1944, and they had a daughter, Deanna born the following year. Vyrl was killed in 1947 in an airplane accident. Max is Vyrl’s brother, and has the flying hobby in his blood too.

“I’d rather fly than eat” Max says. Working with KSL, he is always trying to promote some publicity stunts with a plane involved.

“We did an on-the-spot inflight broadcast for Miss Utah with Frontier Airlines, one time”, he explains. “I love this sort of thing, and have flown since I was 16”. Max has a private license and goes up whenever he gets the chance.

Active in the Granger 3rd Ward, the Bangerter’s are both busy in such things as MIA and Sunday School Work.

Thelma is at present the secretary-treasurer for the Granger Stake YMMIA. Max is an Elder, and is activity counselor in the Ward MIA>

“I also teach a group of young people in Sunday School”. Max explained. “There is a lot to be learned from those kids”.

Deanna, the oldest daughter of the Bangerter’s is an accomplished pianist. Their second daughter, Linda Lee is taking dancing lessons. Their youngest child is Richard, who is almost three. The family resides at 2867 W 3500 S.

“Were like so many people who have lived out here from years”, Thelma explains. “We’ve really noticed things change in the past few years. I can remember when there were just 13 houses between 2200 south and 3200 south. I used to walk to church and it was so lonely! Things are really different now.

Update: Max was always a wonderful part of Granger. He is still a dedicated family man. His sweet Thelma passed away in 2006 and Max married the beautiful Marilyn Pearce in 2010. Marilyn raised her little family in the Hillsdale Subdivision and her husband Dick Pearce passed away many years ago.  It is so nice to hear that Max and Marilyn have married. 
