Annie Nielson Petersen

Annie was one of the sweetest women around. Her is a brief story of her life, please add your own memories in the comment section below.

Annie lived in Hunter since her birth in 1884. She lived the life of a pioneer child and gathered wood that had rubbed off the sheep onto the barbed wire fences and helped spin it into yarn for clothing. She was a big help to her mother Charoltte Nielson. Often they would tend to the sick in the area and sit and even prepared the dead for burial.

She loved to ride her horse to school. As a child Annie was always working and she took that into her adulthood. She was one of the busiest and industrious women around.

She married Hans Peterson in 1907 and they cleaned out the Old Cement factory . When Annie and Hans were first married they cleaned and repaired an old cement house on 3500 South near 7200 West and lived there. Two years later in 1909 they moved into part of the old Rasmussen Nielson two-story house where she had been born. They purchased thirty acres of ground on 7200 West and made their home there. In 1932, they built a beautiful new home at 5504 West on the original Nielson homestead property.

Six children were born to this couple: Arnold, April 29, 1908; Charlotte, July 25, 1909; Sadie, April 30, 1911; Marvin, January 4, 1914; Agnes, October 23, 1915; and Myra, September 30, 1919.

In 1932, Annie and Hans paid all expenses for three carloads of Annie’s brothers and sisters and spouses (18 people) to go to Los Angeles, California, for a 10-day vacation.

She was known for her thoughtfulness and gave crocheted doilies and handkerchiefs, along with a visit, to all the women in the ward and every relative.

Annie died September 11, 1979, at the age of 95. She was a widow for almost 25 years.

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