Alfred A Jones Sr

Alfred Abraham Jones was born in Wales. He worked in Iron Works and a Rolling Mills. At the age of 18 he emigrated to America with his parents.  In Ohio he worked at the Newbury Rolling Mills. 

On July 24, 1872 he arrived in Utah and settled in Rockport and farmed. He wasn't skilled in farming at first but he was a fast learner. He worked on the family farm and then decided to work at the Bingham Canyon mines. and smelter.

In 1875 he married Hannah Gibbs and they had 5 children. He said " , four of whom are living close around me which I am grateful to my heavenly father for this blessing".

In 1878 his family moved to  Pleasant Green, part of which is now Hunter. 

They settled a piece of " dry desolate looking county--no water within 5 miles of us that was fit for man or beast to drink."  No canal but I like the lay of the country so I struggled along with help of our neighbors and brought out a canal that brought us plenty of water to irrigate our farm with which is known as the Utah and Salt Lake Canal which is the best canal in Salt Lake valley.". 

He soon tamed the land and water became abundant with hard work. The family carved wells, canals and soon there was enough to grow an abundant  crops.

He wrote that "we have beautiful homes and as good a country as any in the land--very few better under the sun.".
