Ann & Abraham Todd
Ann & Abraham Todd's home was a very popular home in the community. The home was filled with both beauty and music. They had a Concertina, an organ and a violin. There was always music, dance and merriment in the home
Ann and Abraham Todd were often called Grandpa & Grandpa Todd by the children of Granger. They were loved by all.
Both Abraham and Ann were born in England (1935 & 1936). Abraham was a farmer and gardener by trade and Ann was very graceful, trained in homemaking. She was beautiful and took great pride in always having a beautiful home and she always looked wonderful.
Ann & Abraham met in England in 1863 and sailed to America in 1866. They came across with the Rawlins Oxen Company and arrived in Salt lake in 1866.
They lived in the Murray area for 6 years and then moved to the banks of the Jordan River at about 4000 South. There were many stories of Indians that were in that location.
In 1875 they moved a little further west to about 4000 South Redwood Road. In a very small adobe home. In 1885 they built a larger home and they loved there homestead. They had alarge vast farmland. Because Abraham's experience in his youth as a gardener, he excelled in making his farm flourish. He grew fruit trees and always had an excellent crop of vegetables.
Abraham and his sons were hard workers and helped build the first railroads, canals and irrigation for the area and for their neighbors. They family had sheep that they grazed in the Millcreek Canyon but had a lot of trouble with bears.
It is said that Abraham creeped up on a large flock of ducks on the riverbanks, fired once from his double barreled shot gun and 24 ducks were dead. Abraham was fit and enjoyed walking. It was a familiar site to see him walking the streets of the Granger area.
Abraham & Ann Todd surrounded by friends and family
Picture From Under Granger Skies