Hank Price

Hank Price married  Mary Parr of Granger  In WWII Hank fought in the Battle of the Bulge and received a Purple Heart for an injury sustained.. When he returned to Granger he was elected Justice of the Peace, served as chair of Granger Hunter Community Council, President of the Granger Lions Club, Eagles, Elks & Moose Club and Veterans fo Foreign Wars.

He was an advocate with the incorporation of West Valley City. Price was elected the city’s first mayor. Price was the true leader,  People turned to him for answers, and he had them. He was rarely seen without his trademark-unlit cigar in hand  and his "Damn the torpedoes," line was often famously grumbled

After the incorporation Hank stated "I would like to leave to posterity a real beautiful, small city. It's going to be the best city humanly possible to create. His "small city"

Mayor Mike Winder declared December 10 as "Hank Price Day" in West Valley City with a formal proclamation honoring "the George Washington of West Valley City"

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