5600 West 35th to 41st
Here is a list of homes and businesses from 3500 South to 4100 South 5600 West
3556 Ardith Petersen
3559 Blain Buckner
3560 Russell Wilder
3567 Vacant
3575 Intersection
3581 Joe Moesser
3594 William Bailey
3601 Lovere Moesser
3602 Anna Palu
3611 L Hatt
3627 H Moesser
3630 Tony Baudack
3633 George Dean
3639 George Dean
3653 Joesph Feichko
3663 Marvin Denham
3681 Jerry deBry
3683 Steven Johnson
3690 Evans Doxey
3691 David Cobera
3696 Robert Farnsworth
3702 Lawrence Doxey
3710 Steve Jensen
3722 John Smith
3722 Louie Koho
3732 Alice Marshall
3737 Hunter Stake
3740 Vacant
3750 Kenneth Christian
3761 Kenneth Moesser
3770 Boyd Obershaw
3773 Earl Harper
3784 Severn Fackrell
3784 Fackrall TV
3795 LaMar Pinkney
3802 Robert Defa
3809 Howard Smith
3827 Joseph Liston
3831 Randy Roberts
3841 Robert Jones
3946 James Webb
3850 Tom Giovengo
3853 Asel Nuttell
Paulette Ave Intersection
3870 Joseph Defa
3876 Richard Defa
3879 Valley Photography
3879 Neil Coats
3883 Donald Dobson
3895 Richard Barr
Kathleen Intersection
3896 Irene Ridd
3917 Sarah Loutensock
3925 Kent West
3950 Glen Martin
3974 Faye Ware
3984 David Ware
3996 Bryan Johnson
Janette Ave Intersection
4006 Eugene Steele
4022 John Matthews
4030 Calvin Youngreen
4035 Jerry Mitchell
4070 Ivan Layton
4082 Donald Harris
4095 Harold Jones
4098 Brent Johnson
Picture taken about 1985
This is a current Google image