Henry Bawden

Henry Lambert Bawden and  Elizabeth Carlisle Bawden

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... "2nd Family to Settle in Granger"....wow!

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Henry Lambert Bawden family home 3528 W 3500 So

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The people in the picture are: Lawrence, Vira, Elizabeth Carlisle (Elizabeth Bawden's mother), Henry& Elizabeth

Henry was an outstanding man.

Here are a few things that he did.

  • Was a Dance Caller for the Nathaniel Band traveling throughout the west
  • School Board Trustee 
  •  Road supervisor, he was part of the group that brought street lights to Granger in 1912
  • Director of the North Jordan Canal
  • Made sure that water was equally divided up
  • Daily for 25 years, he traveled up and down the Jordan River to check on it
  • He was a Delegate for the 11th NTL Irrigation Congress
  • Delegate to the 2nd Trans-Missouri Dry Farm Congress (also for Cheyenne/ Wyoming)
  • Head of the Amusement Committee
  • Raised money for the purchasing of the benches for the Amusement Hall
  • Raised enough money for the Amusement Committee so that no more funds were ever needed
  • Fundraised by hosting plays, dances, parties, vaudevilles etc
  • Father of 10 children
  • Created a master drainage system for this area!!!!!!
  • Drilled the very first well in the area. It was on his property
  • Deputy Water Commissioner

Henry Bawden was committed to better not only his land but the whole community.

He spent his days and nights working on ways to drain off excess water so that the lands would not be swampy.

With the high water table in the area, Henry did a remarkable job. We own him our thanks!

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