Marie Alldredge Bolton

Marie Alldredge married John "Jack" Bolton.

Jack Bolton's grandparents were one of the 1st residents of Granger. When Edwin & Martha Bolton moved to 3100 South 2700 West there were only 8 houses and 1 tree in the area.

bolton 3300 W 3100 S..jpg
3274 W 3100 So You can see Lloyd Bolton.jpg

Marie & Jack purchased a Kearns Camp barracks and moved it to the Bolton property. They soon added on a had a wonderful home to raise their family in. Marie & Jack were fantastic neighbors and friends. Many of you will remember that they Processed Wild Game. Jack cut the meat and Marie would wrap it. The business grew and soon they had many family members working with them in the family business. 

Jack and Marie's home and the Wild Meat Processing Plant  3250 W 3100 South


With so much land and many family homes that made for lots of family fun. Cousins, aunts and uncles were often outside playing games, enjoying family dinners, barbecues and enjoying each other.  The little ones called Marie "Aunt Ree". Aunt Ree would often hear the children playing outside and she would call to them playfully with her rendition of a loud "Tarzan Call".

Aunt Rae let the little ones make mud pies with the clay soil and she would bake the masterpieces for the children. Much to their delight!!

She was a wonderful baker and famous for her Dilly Bread.

Two lovely pictures of Marie Bolton. The 1st she is holding her daughter the 2nd she is holding her Grand Niece


Marie Alldredge Bolton passed away May 9, 2018

Here is a link to her obituary

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