Year 1980 5600 West

5600 West

Year: 1980

2100 South-4100 South

2250 L&L Auto Wrecking
2300 WW Auto Wrecking
2300 Hugo's Auto Salvage
2366 Butcher Auto Wrecking
2366 chick's Auto Wrecking
2384 Mac's Auto Wrecking
2550 Bill's Auto Wrecking
2620 King Home
2976 Williams Home
3040 Boynton Home
The intersection of 3100 South
3367 Powell Home
3383 Powell Home
3455 Powell Home
The intersection of 3500 South

Homes:  Petersen, Buckner, Wilder, Moesser, Bailey, Moesser, Palu, Hatt, Moesser, Baudack, Dean, Feichko, Denham, De Bry, Johnson, Doxey,

Cabrera, Farnsworth, Doxey, Jensen, Smith, Koho, Marshall...
3737 Hunter Stake Meeting House

Homes: Kenneth, Moesser, Obershaw, Harper, Fackrell, Pinkney, Defa,

Smith, Listen, Roberts, Jones, Webb, Giovengo, Nutall, Defa...
3879 Valley Photography
Homes: Coates, Dobson, Barr, Ridd, Loutensock, West, Martin, Ware, Johnson, Steele, Matthew, Youngreen, Mitchell, Layton, Harris, Jones, Johnson....

4100 South

These precious pictures  & information has taken me over 10 years to collect. I have spent countless hours in the archives, historical offices, state repositories, county files, city files etc to find them for our collection. Please donate and help this collection grow. -Sheri

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