2040 W 3500 So

The Atonement Lutheran Church

This was always such stunning building. The architecture was so unique and lovely. I think we were all heartbroken when it was demolished. It was built upon a 2 acre lot.

I have been looking for a colored picture of this beauty for several years and I am thrilled to finally find one and be able to share it with you.

Sara Ruiz said:

"The man in the pic is Rev. Joseph Luthro. First pastor of Atonement Lutheran Church. My mom said this church originally started in a bar on the corner. The church had one main wood beam going down the middle of the bldg. My mom said it was hauled in by semi because it was one long piece. I believe it was redwood.  

You entered the church through the middle obviously, and on the right was the Narthex, where pot lucks and Sunday school took place. To the left was the sanctuary. The middle of church you entered wasn't that that big. The church was much longer than it was wide. Mom said it was designed after Noah's ark. "

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 " Three of these men were very influential in my life. Pastor Joe Luthro, Pastor Ron Vert, Pastor Joel B Erickson. This was taken in the church. It is the church I grew up in.......circa mid 1980's.."    Signed Sara W




This is a picture that our friend Sara Wauhob shared.   She says "This picture is when I was baptized, approximately 1970-71, it was taken in the church. L-R. Pastor Luthro, my parents, Ada and Arthur Wauhob, and cute adorable me! " singed Sara