The Jeep Patrol

The Jeep Patrol or Jeep Posse was mad up of volunteers from the community.  Many were Under Water Divers, Pilots, Police, Justice of the Peace and Community Activists. 

Many work in a specific search and resue team. They can be called on the help in time of emergency like drowning rescue, falls from a mountain, looking for a lost person, and more

They meet weekly in a renovated large Chicken Coop which was donated by Gayle Qualls at 3777 S Redwood Road.  Each member contributes about $1.50 each month for expenses. Fundraisers are held to buy equipment like rescue equipment, diving equipment, rafts and even Christmas gifts to the needy in the communiy.  In the Summer of 1958, the Ute Drive-in donated the theatre and they earned $2,350 for future equipment needs. 

3777 Redwood road was the old location for the Jeep Patrol. The land/building was donated by the Quall Family

3777 Redwood road was the old location for the Jeep Patrol. The land/building was donated by the Quall Family