A Bennion and the Utah Boys Ranch

The original Utah Boys Ranch was located at about 3675 West and 6200 South. It was founded by some educators, one being a very important man. His name... Lowell Lindsay Bennion. Have you heard of the Lindsay's or Bennion's?  .

Lowell's grandfather(John Bennion) crossed the icy Jordan River January 1849 to settle "Over Jordan" and our area. 

The Original Boys Ranch was built in about 1964, spanned 5 acres and could hold 34 boys.


It since has been sold, renamed and then again sold and renamed.

Lowell had many accomplishments in his life. He was a true humanitarian and hungered for knowledge. He founded the very 1st Food Bank and Homeless Shelter in the SL County. 

Care-Taker Home

Care-Taker Home

Lowell and his wife Merle

Lowell and his wife Merle