Gedge Dairy

 In 1909 they were the only Dairy listed in the Granger/Hunter/Redwood area.

Here is exerts from an article I found:

Five miles south of Salt Lake, on Redwood Road lies as pretty a tract of land for a dairy farm as can be found in this section.

Here is conducted on the the oldest dairies doing business in Salt Lake, in fact they were the first dairyman to apply for a license, and have been doing business since 1891.

The boys, N and WR Gedge, have 95 acres on the farm all devoted to dairying interests. At present they have about 25 head of cows as well as young cattle. The dairy cows are all high bred animals, among which may be found Holsteins, jerseys and Durhams. A recent test of the milk from this dairy, by the city chemist, shows 4.2% in butterfat. While the condition of the bars and animals is excellent.