Erlene's memories

Our wonderful Granger Utah friend Erlene ( Partridge)Lott shared her memories of Granger Utah with me. Please take a few minutes and write down & share your memories. Enjoy! I remember the cows eating over our back fence; going to the "mall" that consisted of the Merc, Sprouse Reitz, and Albertson's (where we could buy donuts for a nickel); climbing on our roof to watch the movie "with binoculars" at the Redwood Drive-In; walking to school in the gutters in the winter to hear the ice crunch beneath us.....there were no sidewalks .....(still isn't, for that matter, the roads are too narrow).
I saw my first Barbie doll at the Merc. My mom said we couldn't afford three dollars for a doll for Christmas!
We liked to ride our bikes around the mall, with all their sidewalks, especially on Sundays. There wasn't as much traffic then as not all of the stores were open. One such Sunday we seen a pile of "soft stuff " on one of the sidewalks...(apparently a new store was going in). We thought it was fun to ride our bikes past that pile and jump off and into it. After a while, we got to itching. Come to find out, it was insulation that we were jumping into. We learned our lesson that day as we were covered with insulation from head to toe.
We would watch for daddy to come home from work in his truck and all the kids (wherever they were) would go running to climb in the back or on the running boards to ride from the corner to home. We were only the third house from the corner but it was quite a treat to ride "that far" on the outside of the truck.
Our house was the only house on the street with a basement and it had a bright blue roof on it. (Dad was a roofer by trade and that's the color of roof my mom wanted.) We were on the direct path to the airport so many airplanes flew over each day. Rumor was (and still is) that pilots would watch for that roof as a beacon… That "rumor" is at least partially true. When I wasn't very old, a plane crashed in the field behind us. No one was hurt and daddy was one of the first people to reach the wreckage. The pilot told him that all he could see was the blue roof of our home and he steered clear of it and try to land in the field instead of around any homes.
Our family doctor, Dr. Glen Wilson, lived two doors from us. Richard Norby lived right next to us on the south. He was the senior missionary that was injured by terrorists in Brussels not all that long ago.
We lived on Bishop Street from 1952 to 1959. I have many fond memories of "the Granger of long ago." Thx for letting me share them. Erlene (Partridge) Lott

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