Henry Bawden

His Grandparents: Henry & Elizabeth Bawden  

3528 W 3500 So

henry eliz bawden.jpg

His parents:  Orin & Mable Bawdens

3755 W 4100 So


Henry H Bawden was born in Granger, Utah on July 3rd ,1917. His parents home was a little white-frame house with two bedrooms. A shed was built onto the back which then served as Henry’s room, which was unheated. He grew up in a house of all girls, 3 sisters.

Here are some words that describe Henry

  • Grew & sold the best tasting corn
  • Won many Dance Competitions
  • Acted all over the state of Utah and traveled to California to act
  • A member of the Granger Little Theatre
  • He was a fabulous Scout Master
  • The Best Physics Teacher ever
  • A Great Man
  • A Handworker
  • A Tractor Driver
  • A Granger Legend
  • Had beautiful flower beds in his front yard
  • A Tooele Dry Farmer
  • Father of 7 well-behaved children
  • Funny and delightful
  • Adventurous
  • He provided amazing, memorable demonstrations in class
  • Lead an influential life & touched countless lives
  • A Swim Coach
  • A Driving Instructor
  • A great Earth Science teacher
  • A great Agriculture Teacher
  • A superior Math Teacher
  • A very dedicated Stage Production Teacher
  • A knowledgeable Auto Mechanics Teacher
  • 2nd Lieutenant in WWII
  • LDS Missionary to Texas Louisiana
  • An incredible LDS Bishop
  • A very talented Actor
  • Valedictorian Cyprus Class of 1935
  • Farmer of corn  and wheat

Henry & Elaine Bawden served in WWII


Henry & Elaine Bawden built their home so the front didn't face busy 41st South

3725 W 4100 South


Orin & Henry's Farm


The Bawden family were involved in the Boy Scouting program
(Henry was pictured on the right)

He held many leadership positions in the North Jordan Stake


Henry's Farm Equipment


Henry's children busily picking the most delicious  corn to sell to the area.


The city widening the road. Soon the home was demolished to make way for a larger Granger Medical and Bangerter Highway.


This is what Orin & Henry Bawden's  land currently looks like.


A special thank you to the Bawden family for sharing some precious pictures with us.
