Rulon Bawden Mackay

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Murray Eagle 8/1959

Rulon Bawden Mackay. This well-known Granger Family has resided in the community their entire life. He is noted throughout the area for his river-running exploits, as a partner in the Mackay Brother Dairy and Poultry Farm, his Sunday School work for the LDS Church and as a member of the famed Olympus Make Chorus. His wife is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Hugh atimer, life-long Granger residents. She and her husband were active in the Granger Little Theater. They have five children: kay, 16, Dean, 14, Dawn, 10, Robyn, 7 and Wayne 4
Know your Neighbor-
Rulon Mackay Family are Life-long Grangerites.
Rulon, in partnership with his brother, Newel, runs the Mackay Brothers Dairy and Poultry Farm located at 2870 W 4100 S.
He has lived his entire life in Granger, having been born on the very farm that he now operates. he is a son of Mr & Mrs W.A. Mackay, who still live at the farm.
Rulon, his wife Miriam and their 5 children reside a few houses west at 3001 W 4100 S.
Mr Mackay is well-known throughout the area for his Sunday School work, his river-running exploits and as a member of the famed Olympus Male Chorus.
During the past year, the two Mackay brother have ventured into the sale of raw milk for people who prefer to drink it. They are now planning on building to the house a bottling plant.
The structure will be completed by the first park of October. The dairy will also have eggs to sell.
Mrs Mackay is a daughter of Mr & Mrs Hugh Latimer, also long-time Granger residents who live at 4490 W 4100 S.
Although she and Rulon lived less than two miles apart and went all through school together, it took a chance meeting at a party three years after graduation to really bring them together.
After this meeting, they saw each other in a new light and a wedding on September 27,1940 was the result.
Part of their courtship was spent in ballroom dancing and teaching class. They were also active in the Granger Little Theatre before and shortly after their marriage.
We Presented one play 35 times, they recalled.
Many times they were invited to present their productions at Brigham Young University while working with Mr & Mrs Nathan Hale, who have since become famous for their work in this field.
Entrance of Kay 16 years ago, curbed this outside activity. Dean, now 14, soon followed then, Dawn who is 10, Robyn, 7, and Wayne, 4.
Rulon has managed to spend considerable time on the Green and Colorado Rivers. He has a wonderful collection of slides and motion pictures of the scenery along the banks of these rivers.
Mr Mackay has spent considerable time showing these pictures to different interested groups. The family recently returned from a trip to the north slopes of the High Uinintahs where they fished and relaxed.
The Mackays are members of the LDS Church. Rulon has spent many years working in the Sunday School as superintendent. They are members of the Taylorsville 4th Ward.
Miriam serves as Junior Sunday School co-coordinator. She is a former PTA President and Primary worker.
Rulon is a familiar face in the Olympus Male Chorus, along with brothers Brent, Howard and Newel.
Eldest daughter, Kay is a Sunday School teacher and MIA Chorister. She also tap dances, Dawn does ballet, tap and toe dancing.
Robyn also does the tap and balled, while Dean is a talented guitarist. Other hobbies of Deans are his horse, Gypsie and dog Bullet.
A recent family project was the raising of three motherless kittens by use of a doll bottle.
The Mackays are a wonderful and interesting family for Granger residents to get to know Murray Eagle 8/1959

These precious pictures  & information has taken me over 10 years to collect. I have spent countless hours in the archives, historical offices, state repositories, county files, city files etc to find them for our collection. Please donate and help this collection grow. -Sheri

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